Lunar meteorites – Måne-meteoritter
Stones from The Moon
NWA 11303 – Lunar Feldspathic Breccia
Lunar meteorite NWA 11303, whole specimens from left (click photo to enlarge):
#50015 €37, kr.280,- stk. (the rest is SOLD)
Please request for more Lunar meteorites…
Lunar meteorite NWA 11303, 2x half stone 0,4 + 0,4 g #50200 – SOLD – but more coming from the saw…
To purchase a lunar meteorite just copy the item #xxxxx you want, click here Contact/Order and fill out the form.
For at bestille en månemeteorit, skal du kopiere eller notere det varenr. du ønsker (#xxxxx), klikke her på Kontakt/Bestil og udfylde formularen.